24 Feb

The H-1B application for each year generally starts 6 months before the next financial year. Generally speaking, the Immigration Department will begin to accept H-1B visa applications on the first working day of April each year. In addition, according to the regulations of the Immigration Department, the application for H-1B visa can be started 6 months before the official start of a job.

There are quota restrictions on H-1B visas. Under normal circumstances, more people apply for H-1B visas than quotas each year, so the immigration office will generally close the application within one week after the application starts. So students who want to apply for H-1B need to prepare in advance.

Many foreign students and foreigners see US visas as a golden door to further their careers, families, and new lives in the United States. Among them, H1B visas are particularly popular because they can also transition from H1B visas to green cards (permanent residents) in the future. Many H1B visa applicants are international students, and they are trying to transition from their current F-1 student status to H1B work visas and then try to obtain a green card.绿卡排期

The Immigration Department will not announce the results to all applicants at one time after the lottery is drawn, but it will take at least two months to fully announce the results. If you receive official written or email notification from the Immigration Department, the H1B lottery is successful. However, after being selected, all the information will be reviewed in the official mystery case, and the H1B status will not be officially obtained until the review is passed. If the files are missing or the files do not meet the legal standards, the Immigration Center will issue a supplement notice (REF), and the applicant is required to submit the supplementary files to the designated address as soon as possible. After the review is approved, the Immigration Department will send an I-797 notice, indicating that the H1B status has been approved, which is a necessary document for H1B in the future. If the applicant successfully wins H1B, the OPT status will be automatically extended to September 30. H1B will take effect on October 1. If they are not selected, the applicant will immediately lose their legal residence status. If they want to stay, they need to change their status immediately.绿卡排期

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